Industrial League – 2022


March 31  – July 9
Banquet – July 23


  1. Entry fee $70 – Must be paid prior to shooting any scores.
  2. No limit to the number of scores to be submitted in any day/night.
  3. Teams are minimum five and maximum seven shooters. 
  4. You must have a minimum of 5 scores shot by May 28th. (end of 9th week) At this time the divisions shall be decided. eg. A,B,C,D…
  5. Shooting hours will be, Thursday evenings, 5:00pm-9:00pm (last sign up at 8:30pm) and Saturdays, 11:00am-3:00pm (last sign up at 2:30pm)
  6. Your team and shooter # must be marked on the score sheet before shooting or your score will not be counted. Practice rounds must be paid before shooting.
  7. All squads to be taken in order, full or not. This is to avoid unnecessary waiting and confusion.
  8. Sign up must always be on the same trap for that day/evening. Trap 1 or Trap 2.
  9. All disputes to be settled before the shooter leaves the station he is shooting from. eg. chips. ATA Rules will apply.
  10. Gun barrels are to be kept pointed down range at all times while shooting.
  11. No loaded shells in gun when moving from station to station.
  12. All auto-loaders must have a shell catcher or elastic band to prevent flying hulls. This prevents distraction to other shooters.
  13. Have respect for fellow shooters; please keep talking to a minimum on the shooting line.
  14. All basic Safety Rules Apply. eg. firearms open when not on firing line
  15. All shoot-offs will be shot on the banquet day.
  16. On Banquet Day, shooting will run from 11:00am-4:30pm with the meal and awards to follow.

Archery: Ken 519-352-9465

Membership: Jeff 519-809-0964

Range: Mark 226-626-6888

Course Inquiries: Ben 519-352-9082

Youth Group Program: Claude 519-784-9445